Hi everyone! Welcome to my new site, Lola’s Blog Tours. For quite a long time I’ve had this idea in my head of starting my own blog tour organization business for books. And now I finally decided to actually do it. I will be organizing blog tours, cover reveals, book blitzes and review only events for books.
Authors can find out more about the events I organize on services page .
If you are a blogger or reviewer and want to sign up as tour host, please check out the tour host page . Everyone can sign-up as a tour host!
I also have a book blog, called Lola’s Reviews , because I love reading and writing reviews. The design and colours of this site are made to match with my blog, both have a light green background with some dark red/brown trown in for titles and such.
During the next few months there is still a lot on this site that will change. The design is one thing that I can grantee will change, the current design is temporarily.
I will be getting a custom design, but because of a waiting list that will still take a few months.
The graphics I now use are made by the awesome Faye from A Daydreaming Dreamers Thoughts . And I use a free wordpress theme with customized colours.
Because I am launching my business this week I decided to do a discount on all blog tours, cover reveals and book blitz requests I get this week. You can check out the current and the discount prices on the services page . The discount will be for all request send before 21 September 2013!
You can also follow me on the following social media sites:
– Facebook
– Twitter
– Pinterest
– Google+
– Bloglovin
Thanks for visiting my website! If you have any comments or questions, please leave me a comment or send me an e-mail!