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Click Date Repeat
by K. J. Farnham
Genre: Chick lit/ Women’s Fiction
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 21 August, 2014
These days, finding love online is as commonplace as ordering that coveted sweater. But back in 2003, the whole concept of Internet dating was still quite new, with a stigma attached to it that meant those who were willing to test the waters faced a fair amount of skepticism from friends and family.Such is the case for Chloe Thompson, a restless 20-something tired of the typical dating scene and curious about what she might find inside her parents’ computer. With two serious but failed relationships behind her, Chloe isn’t even entirely sure what she’s looking for. She just knows that whatever it is, she wants to find it.
Based loosely on author K. J. Farnham’s real-life online dating experiences, Chloe’s foray into online dating involves a head-first dive into a world of matches, ice breakers and the occasional offer of dick pics, all while Chloe strives to shake herself of the ex who just refuses to disappear. Will she simultaneously find herself and “the one” online, or will the ever-growing pile of humorous and downright disastrous dates only prove her friends and family right? There’s only one way to find out…
Click. Date. Repeat.
You can find Click Date Repeat on Goodreads
About the Author:
K. J. Farnham writes contemporary fiction for women and young adults. Her books are character-driven and focus on realistic themes like love, relationships, self-doubt, and social issues. She tries to infuse humor into her writing when appropriate, because she believes laughter is crucial for navigating through rough patches in life.
Farnham is a former educator who grew up in the Milwaukee area and now lives in western Wisconsin with her husband and three children. When not keeping up with her kids, she can usually be found reading or writing. Coffee, acoustic music, beach outings, and road trips are among her favorite things.
You can find and contact the author here:
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